Our Story

Butter & Honey is a growing, woman, Christian, and black-owned business based in Connecticut.

During the height of the 2020 Pandemic, I was teaching both high school and college classes virtually, attending church services online, holding video calls with loved ones, binge watching television shows, reading, and meditating, with candles burning throughout my home. There was something about the glow and sweet aroma of the candles that illuminated the atmosphere of peace, light and love I curate in my home.

Even as I witnessed the challenges of the pandemic, and navigated the difficulties and demands associated with teaching, I experienced an unshakable joy and peace through candle making. It was at the intersection of tensions while teaching and sitting in a posture of peace, light, and love that Butter & Honey by Kelly Koren Unlimited was birthed. Thus, it is in this spirit that I hand pour each candle and mix each blend to provide rich, sweet, and savory fragrances to illuminate light and spread love to fellow teachers, service providers, and people needing a little light and love. 

My hope is that through this labor of love, I can promote self-care and maintenance amongst educators and people who give tirelessly to others.

Thank you for visiting Butter & Honey and because of your support, 10% of each purchase will go towards Kelly Koren Unlimited’s Education and Leadership programs, and supporting community initiatives. 

Light and Love,
